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Women and Water

We finally have water! My home town of Fort Worth, Texas experienced a “snowcopalypse” last week. Thousands of people across our state...


Here is an Ash Wednesday confession: I don't like to face the hard things! - Especially when I am looking at the dark parts of my own...

My Friend Sallie

Years ago, I was floundering trying to find my place in a new church, new job...I was whining about work to anyone who would listen to...

Violent Storms and Deep Roots

I am not a big fan of Christian celebrities. There are a few, though, that I either want to adopt or have coffee with. Jen Hatmaker is...

The Blessed Alliance vs. The Billy Graham Rule

This photo is of my buddy, Maury Buchanan, and me in Bulembu, Eswatini. I first met and served alongside Maury...

River Flowers in the Sun

After I had quarantined for a couple of weeks, I began to walk the river trail here in my dearly-loved Fort Worth. It was perfect! April...

My Tattoo

My young friend, Allyson, has been challenging me to get a tattoo for years now. This appeal of hers is a lot like when she tries to...

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